26 Nisan - 17 Haziran 2018

‘’Yolunuz Açık Olsun!’’ Sergisi

1912 Budapeşte – İstanbul Turu’nu konu edinen ‘Yolunuz açık olsun!’ isimli sergi Rahmi M. Koç Müzesi ve Macar Kültür Merkezi’nde eş zamanlı olarak ziyarete açılmıştır.

31 March 2019

Duty of Memory Wrecks Photography Exhibition By Stefano Benazzo

In Benazzo’s photographic research of stranded wrecks, the key words are passion, emotion and duty of memory. His research is inspired by the ambition to show symbols of courage, pain and fear, and bears witness of his compassion towards those who experienced those predicaments while working, sailing and fighting at sea. Wrecks, now part of Nature, carry with them the memory of those who receive no mention in history books and remind us of the families of the Sailors. 

The exhibition will be open until 31 March 2019.